College Scholarship Application
With Base Theme

"College Scholarship Application Form"

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College Scholarship Application Form Template

Our College Scholarship Application Form is a straightforward, accessible tool for students aiming for financial support in their higher education journey. It's crafted to be filled out quickly while providing all the necessary information that scholarship committees look for.

With this form, students can:

  • Personal and Contact Information: Provide their full name, email, and phone number for contact purposes.
  • Educational Background: State their current school, college, or university, along with their major and grade level.
  • Scholarship Specifics: Identify the scholarship they're applying to and the reasons for their application.
  • Financial Context: Optionally, they can include their family's income range.
  • Extracurricular Engagement: Detail their involvement in clubs, organizations, and volunteer work.
  • Terms Agreement: Confirm their agreement to the application's terms and conditions.

This form makes the scholarship application process simpler and more organized for students, guiding them through each step. Customizable to align with your institution's branding, this form will fit seamlessly into your website, simplifying the application process for students and administrators alike.

College Scholarship Application Features

Streamline Scholarship Applications
Streamline Scholarship Applications
Effortlessly collect vital student information for scholarships in one organized form.
Simplify Financial Aid Requests
Simplify Financial Aid Requests
Guide students through the financial aid application process with ease and clarity.
Enhance Student Engagement
Enhance Student Engagement
Encourage students to detail extracurricular activities effectively, showcasing their involvement.
Ensure Data Accuracy
Ensure Data Accuracy
Receive accurate and complete applicant details with required fields and validation.
Customizable Branding Options
Customizable Branding Options
Align the form with your institution's branding for a seamless application experience.
Secure Terms Agreement
Secure Terms Agreement
Ensure applicants agree to terms and conditions with a clear and secure agreement feature.
College Scholarship Application Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
fullName* (text, input)
Full Name
contactEmail* (email)
Contact Email
phoneNumber* (phone-number)
Phone Number
schoolName* (text, input)
Current School/College/University Name
major* (text, input)
Major/Area of Study
gradeLevel* (text, input)
Current Grade Level
scholarshipName* (text, input)
Scholarship Name or Program
whyApplying* (text, textarea)
Why You're Applying
incomeRange (select, dropdown)
Family Income Range
extracurricularActivities* (text, textarea)
Extracurricular Activities
agreement* (boolean, buttons)
I agree to the application terms

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Base" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.