
HR Custom Forms

Enterprise Solutions

Welcome to HR Custom Solutions, your trusted partner for tailored human resources solutions designed specifically for large firms. Our dedicated team is committed to enhancing efficiency, promoting employee satisfaction, and driving sustainable growth. Explore the possibilities with HR Custom Solutions and unlock the full potential of your workforce.

Empower Your Human Resources with Wizara Custom Solutions

At Wizara, we understand the unique challenges that HR departments face, especially in organizations with diverse businesses and large staff. Our tailored solutions are designed to streamline HR processes, enhance efficiency, and drive cost savings while addressing common HR challenges.

Centralized Management

Wizara offers a centralized platform that allows you to oversee and manage HR activities, from recruitment to performance management, for all business units. This ensures consistency, reduces duplication of efforts, and enables better coordination.

Cost-Effective Solutions

We recognize the importance of cost-consciousness. Wizara provides cost-effective solutions that optimize resource allocation, reduce administrative overheads, and eliminate the need for multiple standalone systems. Our solutions are designed to deliver maximum value within budget constraints.

Transition from Taleo

If you were previously using Taleo for online forms, we will strive to ensure minimal disruption and provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth switch to Wizara.

Customizable Internal Forms

Beyond job applications, Wizara enables the creation of internal forms tailored to your HR needs. Whether it's employee feedback, training requests, or leave applications, our customizable forms help standardize processes and facilitate efficient data collection.

Analytics and Insights

This feature is in development. We are working on the ability to gain valuable insights with our advanced analytics tools. Goal is to make data-driven decisions, monitor key performance indicators, and identify trends to optimize workforce planning and resource allocation in regards to job applications and employee centric forms.

Compliance and Data Security

Wizara ensures adherence to data privacy laws and offers robust security measures to safeguard sensitive employee information, giving you peace of mind. To learn more about The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), please visit www.priv.gc.ca

Learn and Work Together to Address Common HR Challenges

At Wizara, we will work hard to fully understand the challenges HR departments face and will try to eliminate pressure points such as:

  • Time-consuming manual processes
  • Difficulty in tracking employee performance and development
  • Lack of real-time visibility into HR metrics
  • Inefficient communication and collaboration across business departments
  • Managing diverse HR needs within a unified framework

Our solutions address these challenges head-on, offering a comprehensive HR management platform that empowers your team to focus on strategic initiatives.

Contact us today to explore how Wizara can transform your HR operations, improve efficiency, and drive success across all 40 business units.