Form Templates

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These survey forms are used to collect ratings and reviews from users about a product or service.

90 Day Driver Evaluation Form Template
Increase your fleet performance with our 90 Day Driver Evaluation form, focusing on safety and productivity.
Form Fields (17)
driversName (text, input)
Driver's Name
driversId (text, input)
Driver's ID
rating (range, buttons)
rating2 (range, buttons)
rating3 (range, buttons)
rating4 (range, buttons)
rating5 (range, buttons)
Work Environment & Safety
rating6 (range, buttons)
General Performance
feedback (text, textarea)
Evaluator's Additional Comments
feedback2 (text, textarea)
Driver's Comments
checkbox (boolean, checkbox)
I, the driver, have read and discussed this review
date (date)
driversName2 (text, input)
Driver's Name
checkbox2 (boolean, checkbox)
I, the evaluator, certify that I reviewed and completed this document
date2 (date)
evaluatorsName (text, input)
Evaluator's Name
evaluatorsTitle (text, input)
Airline Passenger Feedback Form Template
Improve your airline's service with a mobile friendly Airline Passenger Feedback form.
Form Fields (12)
nameFirst* (text, input)
First Name
nameLast* (text, input)
Last Name
phoneNumber* (phone-number)
Phone Number
email* (email)
rating1* (range, buttons)
How would you rate the comfort of your seat?
rating2* (range, buttons)
How would you rate the quality of the food and beverages served onboard?
rating3* (range, buttons)
How would you rate the inflight entertainment options?
rating4* (range, buttons)
How would you rate the cleanliness of the aircraft?
rating5* (range, buttons)
How would you rate the efficiency of the boarding process?
rating6* (range, buttons)
How would you rate the friendliness of the flight attendants?
rating7* (range, buttons)
How would you rate the timeliness of the flight?
feedback (text, textarea)
Did you have any issues with your meal or service?
Bed and Breakfast Guest Satisfaction Survey Form
Optimize your B&B service with our Satisfaction Survey Form—collect vital guest feedback efficiently.
Form Fields (6)
guest_name* (text, input)
Guest Name
room_satisfaction* (range, buttons)
Room Satisfaction
service_satisfaction* (range, buttons)
Service Satisfaction
food_satisfaction* (range, buttons)
Food Satisfaction
location_satisfaction* (range, buttons)
Location Satisfaction
additional_comments (text, textarea)
Additional Comments
Company Feedback Form with 5 Star Rating
Gather valuable customer feedback using our 5-star 'Rate Us!' form. Animated stars rotate, allowing visitors to rate your company and leave emails and comments.
Form Fields (7)
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
rating (range, slider)
How satisfied are you with our company overall?
question (select, buttons)
Would you recommend it to your friends and colleagues?
feedback (text, textarea)
What are the main areas where we can improve?
comments (text, textarea)
Additional comments:
Customer Feedback Form With Emoji Slider
Simple interactive customer feedback form with an emoji slider. Get 1 to 5 star ratings with this contact form template.
Form Fields (5)
name (text, input)
Full Name
email (email)
phoneNumber (phone-number)
Phone Number
rating (range, slider)
Rate Us
feedback (text, textarea)
Customer Satisfaction Rating Form
Share your rating quickly on our service satisfaction scale, and let us know any extra thoughts you have.
Form Fields (4)
customerName* (text, input)
Your Name
customerEmail* (email)
Your Email
overallSatisfaction* (range, slider)
Overall Satisfaction
feedback (text, textarea)
Additional Feedback
Customer Satisfaction Rating Survey Template
Optimize client service with our easy-to-use Customer Satisfaction Survey Form.
Form Fields (7)
nameFirst* (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email* (email)
rating1* (range, buttons)
How satisfied were you with the quality of our products or services?
rating2* (range, buttons)
How satisfied were you with the level of customer service provided by our staff?
yesNo* (boolean, buttons)
Would you use our customer service in the future?
feedback (text, textarea)
How can we improve our service?
Customer Satisfaction Survey Form Template
Enhance your business practice with our Customer Satisfaction Survey Form. Engage customers and solicit honest feedback with ease.
Form Fields (8)
expectations* (select, radio)
Did our products/services meet your expectations?
staff* (select, radio)
Did our staff meet your needs and provide excellent customer service?
value* (select, radio)
Did our company provide good value for the price you paid?
feedback (text, textarea)
Is there any other feedback you would like to share with us?
overallSatisfactionScore* (range, slider)
How satisfied were you with the overall experience with our company?
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
Customer Service Feedback Form
Capture essential customer service feedback to refine your client interactions with our comprehensive form.
Form Fields (8)
radio* (select, radio)
Was the customer service representative courteous and professional?
radio2* (select, radio)
How likely are you to recommend our company's customer service to others?
radio3* (select, radio)
Did the staff provide you with clear and concise information?
rating* (range, buttons)
How satisfied were you with the overall customer service experience?
feedback (text, textarea)
Do you have any additional feedback or suggestions for improving our customer service?
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
Interactive Product Review Form
Boost engagement with our simple Product Review Form, perfect for customer feedback and ratings.
Form Fields (5)
product_name* (text, input)
Product Name
review* (text, textarea)
Your Review
rating* (range, buttons)
name (text, input)
Your Name
email (email)
Your Email
Interactive Rainbow Rating Product Survey
Enjoy our Rainbow Rating Product Survey to share your thoughts on your purchase. Your opinions help us improve and serve you better.
Form Fields (7)
buttons1* (select, radio)
Would you recommend the product to others?
feedback1 (text, textarea)
What do you like most about the product?
feedback2 (text, textarea)
What do you like least about the product?
buttons2* (range, buttons)
Overall, how satisfied are you with the product?
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
Interactive Service Feedback Slider
Interactive slider for quick service ratings.
Form Fields (4)
nameFirst* (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email* (email)
ratingService (range, slider)
How Would You Rate Our Service?
Market Research Feedback Form
Optimized Market Research Feedback Form to collect customer insights and improve services.
Form Fields (8)
age (number)
gender (select, dropdown)
location (text, input)
occupation (text, input)
q1 (select, radio)
How often do you use our products?
q2 (select-multiple, checkbox)
Which of our products do you use?
q3 (range, buttons)
How would you rate our customer service?
q4 (text, textarea)
What improvements would you suggest for our products?
Product Feedback Survey Form Template
Capture crucial product feedback to guide your improvements with our easy-to-use survey form.
Form Fields (4)
buttons1* (boolean, buttons)
Did the product meet your expectations and needs?
feedback1 (text, textarea)
Were there any features or benefits that were particularly important to you?
buttons2* (range, buttons)
How likely are you to continue using the product in the future?
feedback2 (text, textarea)
Are there any changes or improvements that you would suggest for the company or product?
Rate and Review Product Form Template
Capture detailed product reviews and ratings to outshine competitors and refine your offerings.
Form Fields (7)
textArea1* (text, textarea)
What do you like most about our product?
textArea2* (text, textarea)
How does the product compare to similar products on the market?
textarea3* (text, textarea)
What improvements or changes would you suggest to make our product even better?
rating* (range, buttons)
On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the product as a whole?
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
Restaurant Feedback Form Template
Gather diner insights to improve service and ambiance with our comprehensive Feedback Form.
Form Fields (13)
friendliness* (range, buttons)
efficiency* (range, buttons)
knowledgeability* (range, buttons)
taste* (range, buttons)
presentation* (range, buttons)
location* (range, buttons)
ambiance* (range, buttons)
cleanliness* (range, buttons)
comfort* (range, buttons)
feedback (text, textarea)
Do you have any additional comments or suggestions for us?
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
Service Rating Form Featuring Happy Faces
A simple 'How Did We Do' survey form with a 1-10 experience rating to use on your website.
Form Fields (4)
name (text, input)
Full Name
email (email)
phoneNumber (phone-number)
Phone Number
ratingService (range, buttons)
How Would You Rate Our Service?
Simple Customer Satisfaction Survey Form
Get customer insights with our easy-to-integrate Satisfaction Survey Form.
Form Fields (3)
product_quality* (range, buttons)
Product Quality
customer_service* (range, buttons)
Customer Service
delivery_time* (range, buttons)
Delivery Time
Smiley Feedback Form for Customer Satisfaction
Measure customer happiness with our smiley feedback form.
Form Fields (2)
rating (range, slider)
How satisfied are you with our products?
feedback (text, textarea)
Would you like add a comment?
Star Rating Customer Feedback Form
Rate services easily from 0 to 10 with our star rating form. Share your feedback today!
Form Fields (6)
firstName* (text, input)
First Name
lastName* (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
feedbackType* (select, dropdown)
Feedback Type
feedback* (text, textarea)
Your Feedback
overallSatisfactionScore* (range, slider)
Website Experience Feedback Form
Gather valuable user insights on your site's usability and design with our engaging survey form.
Form Fields (9)
dropdown* (select, dropdown)
How did you hear about our website?
buttons1* (select, radio)
Was it easy to find the information you were looking for?
buttons2* (select, radio)
How often do you visit our website?
Buttons3* (select, radio)
How would you rate the overall design and layout of our website?
feedback (text, textarea)
Have you encountered any issues or problems on our site? If so, please describe.
rating* (range, buttons)
How satisfied are you with the overall experience on our site?
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
Website Feedback Form Template
Improve your new website with user insights using our customizable Feedback Form.
Form Fields (15)
name (text, input)
email (email)
Email Address
phone (phone-number)
Phone Number
username (text, input)
Website Username
feedback_type (select, dropdown)
Feedback Type
feedback_details (text, textarea)
Feedback Details
specific_page (text, input)
Specific Page or Section
usability_design (range, buttons)
Usability and Design
content_quality (range, buttons)
Content Quality
technical_issues (select, dropdown)
Technical Issues
likelihood_recommend (range, buttons)
Likelihood to Recommend
suggestions_improvement (text, textarea)
Suggestions for Improvement
overall_experience (range, buttons)
Overall Experience
upload_screenshots (file-upload)
Upload Screenshots
contact_preference (select, radio)
Contact Preference