Standard Employment Application
With Base Theme

"Standard Employment Application"

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Standard Employment Application Form Template

Detailed Description for Product Page:

Our Online Employment Application Form is designed to simplify the hiring process for businesses, web developers, and HR departments. With an easy-to-integrate web form, you can start collecting candidate information directly from your website. Here's why our form is essential for your hiring process:

  • Personal Information Section: Collects comprehensive details such as names, contact information, and addresses, ensuring you have all necessary applicant data at your fingertips.
  • Employment Experience: Applicants can upload their resumes and detail their work history, including positions held, duties, and reasons for leaving, giving you a clear view of their professional background.
  • Education Background: From high school to university levels, this section captures the candidate's educational achievements and qualifications, making it easier to assess their suitability for the role.
  • Other Qualifications: A space for applicants to mention additional skills, qualifications, or certifications not covered elsewhere in the form. This can include specific training, software proficiency, or equipment they have operated.
  • Physical Impairments Disclosure: Ensures transparency and helps you consider any necessary accommodations in the workplace.
  • Employment References: Applicants can provide references, which are crucial for verifying their employment history and character.
  • Consent Clause: The form includes a section where applicants consent to the verification of the information provided, protecting both parties and ensuring a trustworthy hiring process.

By incorporating our Online Employment Application Form into your website, you not only streamline your hiring process but also provide a more accessible and efficient way for potential candidates to apply. It's secure, customizable, and designed to fit seamlessly into your existing website layout, making it the perfect addition to your digital hiring toolkit.

Standard Employment Application Features

Streamline Hiring Process
Streamline Hiring Process
Efficiently collect candidate data, resumes, employment history, and references in one seamless online form.
Simplify Candidate Evaluation
Simplify Candidate Evaluation
Easily assess applicant qualifications, education background, skills, and work experience for better hiring decisions.
Enhance HR Productivity
Enhance HR Productivity
Integrate mobile-friendly forms into HR workflows for streamlined onboarding, leave management, and performance assessments.
Ensure Transparent Recruitment
Ensure Transparent Recruitment
Enable applicants to disclose physical impairments, fostering inclusivity and accommodation in the workplace.
Customizable & Secure
Customizable & Secure
Tailor the form to your needs, ensure data security, and seamlessly embed it into your website for a professional hiring experience.
Verify Information Easily
Verify Information Easily
Obtain consent for information verification, ensuring a trustworthy hiring process and reliable candidate selection.
Standard Employment Application Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
section1 (html-block)
firstName* (text, input)
First Name
lastName* (text, input)
Last Name
homePhone* (phone-number)
Home Phone #
cellPhone* (phone-number)
Cell Phone #
address* (street-address, horizontal)
section2 (html-block)
uploadResume (file-upload, file)
Upload Resume
wageDesired* (number)
Wage Desired $
employerSection1 (html-block)
startDate1 (date)
Present / Last Employer Start Date
finishDate1 (date)
Present / Last Employer Finish Date
positionHeld1 (text, input)
Title / Position Held
supervisorName1 (text, input)
Supervisor's Name
supervisorPhone1 (phone-number)
Supervisor's Phone #
duties1 (text, textarea)
reasonForLeaving1 (text, textarea)
Reason for Leaving
employerSection2 (html-block)
startDate2 (date)
Present / Last Employer Start Date
finishDate2 (date)
Present / Last Employer Finish Date
positionHeld2 (text, input)
Title / Position Held
supervisorName2 (text, input)
Supervisor's Name
supervisorPhone2 (phone-number)
Supervisor's Phone #
duties2 (text, textarea)
reasonForLeaving2 (text, textarea)
Reason for Leaving
section3 (html-block)
highSchool (text, input)
High School Name & City
highSchoolLevel (text, input)
Highest Level Completed
highSchoolDate (date)
highSchoolCourse (text, input)
educationSection1 (html-block)
college (text, input)
College Name & City
collegeLevel (text, input)
Highest Level Completed
collegeDate (date)
collegeCourse (text, input)
educationSection2 (html-block)
university (text, input)
University Name & City
universityLevel (text, input)
Highest Level Completed
universityDate (date)
universityCourse (text, input)
educationSection3 (html-block)
otherEducation (text, input)
Other Education Name & City
otherEducationLevel (text, input)
Highest Level Completed
otherEducationDate (date)
otherEducationCourse (text, input)
expiryDate* (date)
Expiry Date
licensingSection2 (html-block)
otherSkills (text, textarea)
Other experience, skills, qualifications, or equipment you have operated not previously mentioned
physicalImpairments* (boolean, buttons)
Do you have any physical impairments that might affect your work here?
ifYes (text, textarea)
If yes, describe
section5 (html-block)
referenceName1 (text, input)
referenceAddress1 (text, input)
referencePhone1 (phone-number)
Phone Number
referenceSection1 (html-block)
referenceName2 (text, input)
referenceAddress2 (text, input)
referencePhone2 (phone-number)
Phone Number
referenceSection2 (html-block)
referenceName3 (text, input)
referenceAddress3 (text, input)
referencePhone3 (phone-number)
Phone Number
section6 (html-block)
name* (text, input)
Printed Name
date* (date)

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The form below is using our "Base" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.