Online Parental Consent
With Base Theme

"Online Parental Consent Form"

Revamp With Ease: Our Form, Your Instant Upgrade!
Online Parental Consent Form Template

Wizara's Parental Consent Form is an indispensable tool for any organization dealing with children's activities. Whether you're a school, a sports club, or a community group, this form ensures that you have the necessary permissions from parents or guardians quickly and efficiently. Our form is not just a template; it's a comprehensive solution designed to simplify the consent-gathering process.

Features and Benefits:

  • Fully Customizable: Tailor the form to include specific details about the event or activity, ensuring that the consent is informed and precise.
  • Digital Signature Enabled: Parents can easily sign the form online, providing a hassle-free experience without the need for paper.
  • Emergency Contact Integration: Collect essential emergency contact information to ensure child safety at all times.
  • Medical Information Section: Quickly gather details about any medical conditions or allergies, keeping child welfare at the forefront.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Our form is accessible on any device, allowing for on-the-go submissions from busy parents.

Incorporate this Parental Consent Form into your website and benefit from a streamlined, secure, and user-friendly way to collect consents, keeping the focus on providing a safe and enjoyable experience for children.

Online Parental Consent Features

Streamline Consent Collection
Streamline Consent Collection
Efficiently gather parental consent for child activities with our customizable digital form.
Hassle-Free Digital Signatures
Hassle-Free Digital Signatures
Enable parents to sign online, eliminating the need for paper and simplifying the consent process.
Ensure Child Safety Always
Ensure Child Safety Always
Integrate emergency contact info to prioritize child welfare during activities or events.
Capture Medical Details Easily
Capture Medical Details Easily
Quickly collect medical conditions or allergies to ensure the well-being of every child involved.
Accessible Across Devices
Accessible Across Devices
Mobile-friendly design allows busy parents to submit consents conveniently on any device.
Focus on Child Experience
Focus on Child Experience
Create a safe and enjoyable environment by collecting consents easily and securely.
Online Parental Consent Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
childName* (text, input)
Child's Full Name
dob* (date)
Date of Birth
school (text, input)
School or Organization
divider1 (html-block)
parentName* (text, input)
Parent/Guardian Full Name
relationship* (text, input)
Relationship to the Child
email* (email)
Contact Email
phone* (phone-number)
Contact Phone Number
divider2 (html-block)
activityDescription* (text, textarea)
Description of the Activity or Event Requiring Consent
activityDate* (date)
Date(s) of the Activity or Event
activityLocation* (text, input)
Location of the Activity or Event
divider3 (html-block)
consentStatement* (text, textarea)
Consent Statement
divider4 (html-block)
medicalInfo (text, textarea)
Medical Conditions or Allergies
divider5 (html-block)
emergencyName* (text, input)
Emergency Contact Name
emergencyPhone* (phone-number)
Emergency Contact Phone Number
divider6 (html-block)
signature* (text, input)
date* (date)

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Base" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.