Streamlined Online Job Application
With Base Theme

"Online Job Application Form"

Simplify Data Collection: Integrate This Online Form Now!
Streamlined Online Job Application Form Template

Wizara's Online Job Application Form is designed to streamline the hiring process for your business. Whether you are a startup, an established company, or a web developer looking to incorporate a professional job application system into your project, this form is optimized for ease of use and efficiency.

Features and benefits include:

  • Comprehensive Personal and Employment Eligibility Sections: Collect essential personal details and employment eligibility, ensuring applicants meet your basic hiring criteria.
  • Detailed Employment History: Applicants can provide in-depth employment history to help you better understand their professional background.
  • Educational Information: Gather educational history to assess the qualifications of your candidates.
  • Customizable Fields: Tailor the form to include any additional questions specific to your industry or company.
  • Secure Submission: With top-notch security features, applicant data is protected throughout the submission process.

Application to your website or web app is straightforward, enhancing your recruitment strategy with minimal effort. Plus, its responsive design ensures that candidates can apply from any device, increasing the pool of potential applicants.

Streamlined Online Job Application Features

Streamline Hiring Process
Streamline Hiring Process
Efficiently collect essential applicant information and employment eligibility to streamline your hiring process.
Detailed Employment History
Detailed Employment History
Gain insight into candidates' professional background with in-depth employment history provided by applicants.
Assess Qualifications Easily
Assess Qualifications Easily
Gather educational history to quickly assess the qualifications of your candidates for the job.
Customizable Fields
Customizable Fields
Tailor the form to include industry or company-specific questions, making it adaptable to your needs.
Secure Data Submission
Secure Data Submission
Top-notch security features protect applicant data throughout the submission process, ensuring confidentiality.
Responsive Design
Responsive Design
Responsive design allows candidates to apply from any device, expanding your pool of potential applicants.
Streamlined Online Job Application Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
nameFirst* (text, input)
First Name:
nameLast* (text, input)
Last Name:
address* (street-address, horizontal)
email* (email)
phoneNumber* (phone-number)
Phone Number:
heading (html-block)
legallyPermittedToWork* (select, radio)
If hired, can you supply proof that you are legally permitted to work in Canada?
legalAgeToWork* (select, radio)
Are you of legal age to work in your province?
beenInterviewedWithUs* (select, radio)
Have you ever had a past interview with us?
whereAndWhen (text, input)
If yes, where and when?
workedForUsBefore* (select, radio)
Have you ever worked for us before?
whereAndWhen2 (text, input)
If yes, where and when?
haveYouBeenConvicted* (select, radio)
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted?
pleaseProvideDetails (text, input)
If yes, please provide details regarding the nature of the infraction(s):
heading2 (html-block)
Heading 2
positionDesired* (select, dropdown)
Position Desired:
startDate* (date)
When can you start?
typeOfWork* (select, radio)
What type of work are you available for?
howManyDays* (integer)
How many days out of each week can you work?
howManyHours* (integer)
How many hours can you work weekly?
heading3 (html-block)
Heading 3
whyDoYouWantToWork* (text, textarea)
Why do you want to work for us?
describeGreatCustomerService* (text, textarea)
How would you describe great customer service?
thingsYouLiked* (text, textarea)
What are the things you liked about your previous jobs?
thingsYouDidNotLike* (text, textarea)
What are some of the things you did not like about your previous jobs?
heading4 (html-block)
Heading 4
position1 (html-block)
Position 1
whereDidYouWork* (text, input)
Where did you work? (Include phone number)
startAndEndDates* (text, input)
When? (Start and end dates)
yourTitle* (text, input)
What was your title?
salary* (text, input)
yourResponsibilities* (text, textarea)
What were your responsibilities?
whyDidYouLeave* (text, textarea)
Why did you leave?
yourSupervisor* (text, input)
Who was your supervisor?
mayWeCallThem* (select, radio)
May we call them?
position2 (html-block)
Position 2
whereDidYouWork2 (text, input)
Where did you work? (Include phone number)
startAndEndDates2 (text, input)
When? (Start and end dates)
yourTitle2 (text, input)
What was your title?
salary2 (text, input)
yourResponsibilities2 (text, textarea)
What were your responsibilities?
whyDidYouLeave2 (text, textarea)
Why did you leave?
yourSupervisor2 (text, input)
Who was your supervisor?
mayWeCallThem2 (select, radio)
May we call them?
heading5 (html-block)
Heading 5
highSchool* (text, input)
High School:
city* (text, input)
City / Province:
from* (text, input)
to* (text, input)
graduate* (select, radio)
diploma* (text, input)
college (text, input)
cityProvince2 (text, input)
City / Province:
from2 (text, input)
to2 (text, input)
graduate2 (select, radio)
degree (text, input)
other (text, input)
cityProvince3 (text, input)
City / Province:
from3 (text, input)
to3 (text, input)
graduate3 (select, radio)
degree3 (text, input)
heading6 (html-block)
Heading 6
submitterName* (text, input)
Your Name:
submissionDate* (date)
Submission Date:

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Base" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.