Multichannel Online Complaint
With Base Theme

"Online Complaint Submission Form"

Streamline Data Collection Using Wizara’s Smart Form
Multichannel Online Complaint Form Template

Boost your customer support with our easy-to-use Online Complaint Submission Form. This intuitive form is crafted to help your customers report their issues without any hassle.

Here's what makes our form stand out:

  • Easy Contact Sharing: Customers can share their name, email, and phone number so you can reach out to them through various channels.
  • Clear Incident Reporting: The form prompts for the incident date and details, so you get all the information in one go.
  • Document Uploads: It's simple for customers to attach files, giving you more context to help solve their problems faster.

This straightforward form is a great fit for your website if you want to show customers that you're serious about hearing them out and improving their experience.

Multichannel Online Complaint Features

Streamlined Complaint Reporting
Streamlined Complaint Reporting
Effortlessly capture customer complaints with clear incident details for quick resolution.
Seamless Contact Integration
Seamless Contact Integration
Collect customer contact info for multichannel support, enhancing communication and issue resolution.
Efficient Document Attachment
Efficient Document Attachment
Enable customers to upload supporting files for a comprehensive understanding of their complaints.
User-Friendly Interface
User-Friendly Interface
Intuitive design for easy form completion, ensuring a hassle-free complaint submission process.
Enhanced Customer Engagement
Enhanced Customer Engagement
Show customers you care by providing a platform to voice their concerns and improve their experience.
Data-Driven Issue Resolution
Data-Driven Issue Resolution
Leverage detailed complaint documentation to analyze trends and enhance product/service offerings.
Multichannel Online Complaint Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
customer_details_title (html-block)
customer_name* (text, input)
Full Name
customer_email* (email)
Email Address
customer_phone (phone-number)
Phone Number
line1 (html-block)
complaint_details_title (html-block)
complaint_date* (date)
Date of Incident
complaint_description* (text, textarea)
Complaint Description
complaint_file (file-upload, file)
Attach any supporting documents

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Base" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.