Company Feedback Form with 5 Star Rating
With Modern Metro Theme

"Feedback Form With 5 Star Rating"

Unveil the Potential of Interactive Forms with Wizara
Company Feedback Form with 5 Star Rating Form Template

Looking to gather valuable feedback from your customers? The Company Feedback Form with 5 Star Rating is the ideal tool for capturing insights on your company's performance. With a user-friendly interface and customizable fields, this form template ensures a seamless feedback collection process. Pair it with the sleek Modern Metro theme to elevate the visual appeal of your form, featuring borderless inputs and a soothing powder blue backdrop for a modern touch.

Enhance your feedback gathering process with the Company Feedback Form with 5 Star Rating and Modern Metro theme. Engage your audience effectively, gather actionable insights, and showcase your commitment to improvement. Ready to elevate your feedback game? Start building your form now with Wizara!

Company Feedback Form with 5 Star Rating Features

Streamlined Feedback Collection
Streamlined Feedback Collection
Effortlessly gather customer feedback with our "Rate Us" survey form, optimizing response rates and improving customer satisfaction.
Engaging User Experience
Engaging User Experience
Enhance user engagement with animated and visually appealing forms, making feedback submission a breeze for customers.
Modern Metro Design
Modern Metro Design
Stand out with the sleek "Modern Metro" theme, offering a minimalist aesthetic and user-friendly interface for a contemporary look.
Large Submit Button
Large Submit Button
Increase form visibility and encourage submissions with a prominent, easy-to-spot submit button, enhancing user interaction.
Full-Width Form Layout
Full-Width Form Layout
Maximize form impact with a full-width design, creating a seamless and immersive experience for users across all devices.
More Whitespace for Clarity
More Whitespace for Clarity
Improve form readability and user experience with added whitespace, ensuring a clean and organized layout for easy form completion.
Company Feedback Form with 5 Star Rating Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
htmlHeading (html-block)
Rate Us
nameFirst (text, input)
First Name
nameLast (text, input)
Last Name
email (email)
rating (range, slider)
How satisfied are you with our company overall?
svgStars (html-block)
question (select, buttons)
Would you recommend it to your friends and colleagues?
feedback (text, textarea)
What are the main areas where we can improve?
comments (text, textarea)
Additional comments:

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Modern Metro" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.